Context and motivation

This section discusses context, requirements, and motivations for segyio. If either of these had been different, segyio would have been very different today.

Context and requirements

SEG-Y is a fairly old standard, built around in an age of magnetic tape and IBM-centric hardware. It has a lot of quirks, and there are lot of standard-violating files out there. We saw several implementations being developed and maintained by lone geoscientists scattered around the company, with varying quality and completeness. It’s also a very duplicated effort, and a huge time sink.

So we wanted a high-quality solution that would just take the pain away. But this raises the issue of language and operating system.

At the time, Python was seeing a huge surge in popularity in the Equinor geoscience community, so doing the implementation in pure Python was considered. It was decided against, because:

  1. We have tons of applications in C++, C, Java, .NET, matlab, and other languages, that could leverage reading SEG-Y files, meaning essentially a port from Python
  2. Python’s fairly slow, and may not be suitable for computationally-intensive problems
  3. Shuffling bytes isn’t Python’s strong suit

In fact, an original requirement was also a matlab library (which has since largely been abandoned). Replicating SEG-Y weirdness across languages was not very appealing, so a C core library was chosen, because virtually all languages have FFIs to C.

That way, in order to read SEG-Ys in a new language, say Julia, it’s “only” necessary to implement the Julia -> segyio bit, and the Julia implementation shouldn’t need to worry too much about SEG-Y details. Geoscientists don’t have to write C code, but will have more suited libraries at their disposal.

Multiple high-level language implementations sharing a common core was always a part of the segyio vision.


The requirements arise from the business case, and from the need of our end users, but segyio also has some technical goals:

User-facing libraries should feel like they were written in that language
Speed matters, and faster libraries means faster programs
Useable on different architectures, and different operating systems
Functioning code should remain functioning, and upgrading should always be safe


A lot of libraries that wrap modules written in a different language have a distinct feel about them. In the Python world, an excellent example of this is the curses module, which directly maps onto the underlying C library. While this makes the module immediately familiar to anyone that has written curses code in C, it pretty much feels like writing C with Python syntax.

import curses
from curses.textpad import Textbox, rectangle

def main(stdscr):
    stdscr.addstr(0, 0, "Enter IM message: (hit Ctrl-G to send)")

    editwin = curses.newwin(5,30, 2,1)
    rectangle(stdscr, 1,0, 1+5+1, 1+30+1)

    box = Textbox(editwin)

    # Let the user edit until Ctrl-G is struck.

    # Get resulting contents
    message = box.gather()

Code example from curses docs.

To be fair, Curses is pretty old, and has held up rather well for the video terminals it targets. Let’s look at a few examples that I believe feel right, and appreciate what they do right.

>>> r = requests.get('',
                     auth=('user', 'pass'))
>>> r.status_code
>>> r.headers['content-type']
'application/json; charset=utf8'
>>> r.encoding
>>> r.text
>>> r.json()
{u'disk_usage': 368627, u'private_gists': 484, ...}

Code example from request docs

>>> A = np.array( [[1,1],
...                [0,1]] )
>>> B = np.array( [[2,0],
...                [3,4]] )
>>> A.shape
(2, 2)
>>> A*B             # elementwise product
array([[2, 0],
       [0, 4]])
>>>        # matrix product
array([[5, 4],
       [3, 4]])
>>>, B)    # another matrix product
array([[5, 4],
       [3, 4]])

Code example from numpy quickstart

Requests has reasonable defaults, and the most simple use case, just fetching a remote web site, is as simple as requests.get(url). All other configurations are keyword arguments. Results of queries have a fairly limited set of interesting things to look at afterwards (given by the HTTP protocol), so they’re all properties on the returned object, no awkward get methods. Callers can inspect what they care about as they see fit (status, encoding etc.). The dynamic parts of a result, contents of the header, are read with the ubiquitous dict.

Numpy share the same attributes, but for maths and not HTTP. Granted, numpy code can quickly get rather wieldy, but that’s often a result of its (wonderful) composability and the sometimes involved nature of the transformations users want to express, and is not something inherent to numpy code. Largely, however, things do work as you would expect, and there certainly isn’t a feeling that it simply wraps a Fortran or C library.

For segyio, the goal was to make the library feel natural. Things should work as you’d expect in Python - arguments and types should be robust and work, the right errors should be raised, and combining features should result in what you’d expect. It should also integrate well with other popular libraries, most importantly numpy. Consequently, it was deemed important not to have things work in a specific way just because the core library worked that way - Python could make its own decision and design choices.

This has, to me, some surprising implications when designing a C library. A lot of interesting issues, things we often take for granted, come up - what if you can no longer assume stderr is available for warnings? What if you can no longer ask for more memory? What if your host wants to run you in 1000 threads?

Simply put, just exposing the underlying C functions to Python doesn’t work very well, and a Python-like C library is very awkward to use in a language with a different set of assumptions (C++, Haskell, Rust and the MLs, and lisp comes to mind). A well designed Python library feels as if it’s Pythons all the way down.


Speed is important. A well-written library will likely see much use, so there’s a substantial return-of-investement. More importantly, it allows for even more data processed faster, which means money.

As a library writer, you never really get to assume how fast is fast enough for your clients, because you never know what requirements they have. You also don’t really know what infrastructure and runtimes are around (save your host language), so a lean core is very useful. That also means sometimes choosing between a safer design and a faster design.

That, in practice, means only a handful of languages are really an option. For segyio, we ended up with plain C99 for the core itself, but if that choice came up again it would be C++.

The argument at the time was that reading SEG-Ys is mostly shuffling bytes and dealing with various floating-point representations (most of our files are in IBM floats), and that C++ helps little in that regard. C++ also means extra care must be taken not to allocate, or raise exceptions by accident.

Since then, I’ve changed my mind - byte shuffling is not harder in C++, and the availablity of templates, standardad algorithms, destructors just makes some things so much easier, and I’ve lost count of how many times I thought to myself this would’ve been so easy in C++, at no real loss of leanness and speed. The interface itself would still be plain C, regardless.


We know that most of our machines today are amd64 linux, but seismic processing might occasionally be done on different architectures and operating systems. For us, this portability was important enough to warrant C (or C++), which granted were top choices anyway, but now left out languages like D and Rust. Available skillsets and experience helped that choice.

For reference, since its inclusion in debian, segyio runs on different architectures:

  • alpha
  • amd64
  • arm64
  • armel
  • armhf
  • hppa
  • i386
  • kfreebsd-amd64
  • kfreebsd-i386
  • m68k
  • mips
  • mips64el
  • mipsel
  • powerpcspe
  • ppc64
  • ppc64el
  • s390x
  • sh4
  • sparc64
  • x32

Stable and future proof

A stable API and ABI helps keeping users happy, as it makes upgrades safe, efficient, and easy. It is very annoying when code that used to work and was correct stops working, and we never want our users to be careful with upgrades.

Of course, this introduce a new set of problems, because now you need to write core functionality in such a way that the need for breakage is minimal. It’s especially problematic when it turns out a function didn’t quite get it right, and just adding one parameter, or changing its type, would fix it. Which it would, but it would also break downstream programs.

In Python, it’s usually fairly easy to make backwards compatible changes, in C it’s a bit harder. This aspect in particular will be discussed in length in later sections.

Multiple host languages

Finally, one of the original requirements of segyio was to make it useable for Matlab. It still is, although it’s rough, riddled with legacy, and not really used by us at (a comedy troupe ate its lunch). But being able to use multiple languages was crucial to us, which heavily influenced the design.

At the time of writing, a C++ front for segyio is in development. It’s shaping up to look very different from the C core library, and intended for downstream consumption. We’ve worked it into a few in-house projects, but it’s a living example of the flexibility and repurposability of the core library design.

About SEG-Y

The SEG-Y format was standardised in 1975, in an age where IBM dominated the computer industry, and magnetic tape was the primary mean of data exchange. Because of this, the standard details a lot of aspects that consumers don’t really care that much about. What they do care about is the ability to access the data stored in this format, in a way that’s quick and easy and robust.


This section fleshes out the context and requirements that underpins the design of segyio, and provides a rationale for decisions made, that will be discussed in later sections. In short, segyio should be:

  • Useful for creating new libraries (in different languages)
  • Fast
  • Portable
  • Stable