Allocation and memory management

This section discusses allocation, resource management, and the resulting effect on overall library design.

Half of Common Lisp

C, and its standard library (I’m deliberately not considering common unix libraries here), are pretty tiny. For a very long time, large C programs have assumed that virtually nothing pre-written was available, and consequently implemented common things for their projects. This is so common it’s known as Greenspun’s tenth rule:

Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad-hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of Common Lisp

I think that a good example of this is the PETSc library, a popular package in C for scientific computing. Here’s a snippet initialising a vector x, and copying into u and b.

PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) x, "Solution");

Code example from PETSc tutoral ex1

Granted, it’s fairly straight forward if you’re writing your application in C, but let’s assume we want to use this vector in a Python program. Python has no concept of PETSc’s custom (and opaque) vector type, so to make use of it, the extension must implement a new Python class that either:

  1. Implements methods that map onto the Vector functions in PETSc
  2. Implements Python’s Container protocol (__getitem__, __len__ etc), massage the arguments and forward to PETSc, and allows information to flow back into Python

While 1. is simple, and familiar to a seasoned PETSc dev programming in Python, it lends itself to a clumsy Python library. The REPL won’t print data nicely, it won’t be usable in for _ in _ contexts, and len(x) fails. Numpy is the de facto standard package for scientific computing in Python, and one of its major selling points is how similar to Python’s own list ([]) the numpy.ndarray really is. Programs using this library will technically be Python, but largely feel like C with Python syntax.

Option 2. is a lot of work, but the resulting library ends up looking like Python code. Since PETSc protects types behind a pointer, no third party library can be leveraged to help this work, or automate it, and it won’t nicely integrate with Numpy or other libraries.

None of these solutions solve the issue of resource management, and a considerable amount of code will have to be commited to bridge the gap between the lifetime models of PETSc and Python. That work can be delegated to user (Python) code, but if you have to carefully manage memory, you might as well write C.

There’s another problem neither of these approaches solve: what if I want to return a Numpy array from a function? Granted, the arrays can be copied inside python (assuming option 2), but that might introduce a significant overhead, or place a potential extra burden on clients.

Both of these solutions mean that a substantial amount of code has to be written to leverage the C core, and solutions that make the final Python library worse.


segyio reads chunks of seismic data, traces, from a file. The very first prototype of segyio (that part never made it to the published repository) looked something like this:

float* read_trace( segy_file*, int trace_number );

Which, granted, is pretty simple, but has some glaring issues:

  • How do I release? free? delete? Is it managed internally?
  • Buffers can no longer be reused, so every read must pay the price of allocation
  • Multiple traces can no longer be stored in the same allocation.
  • How is this float-array exposed as a Python object?

It has some additional problems, but they will be discussed in other sections.

This was one of the first issues that radically changed the design of segyio, because SEG-Y files often describe geometric volumes, cubes, of the subsurface. This introduces the concept of intersecting lines, which in the file is a set of consecutive traces (which go in depth).

Simplified, reading a line would result in a function like this:

float* read_line(segy_file* fp, int line_number) {
    int trace_length = fp->trace_length * sizeof(float);
    int start = start_of_line(fp, line_number);
    int end = start + fp->line_length;

    float* line = malloc(trace_length * fp->line_length);
    int pos = 0;

    for( int i = start; i < end; ++i ) {
        float* trace = read_trace(fp, i);
        memcpy(line + pos, trace, trace_length);
        pos += trace_length;

    return line;

Because read_trace allocates, which is convenient in calling C code as the caller doesn’t need to know upfront how much memory is needed, it is now impossible to use this function in any other context than reading single traces, without taxing the allocator heavily, or copying all the data twice.

While it’s convenient to never worry about array sizes and pre-allocation, and simply receive nicely organised memory, remember that the consumers are other library writers. It is safe to assume they can pre-allocate and manage memory needed - in fact, they often want to lay out memory in a certain way, or merge several C operations into a single, larger user-facing function.

Thou shalt not assume how memory is managed

The previous paragraph touches on the first rediscovery made in segyio, a detail I have sinced noticed is prevalent in a lot of the older libraries - almost all functions take their memory buffer as an argument, and few functions (visibly) allocates. Some examples from the C standard library:

size_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream);
int sprintf(char* buffer, const char* format, ...);
char* strcat(char* dest, const char* src);
void* memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, size_t n);

When designing libraries for libraries, you do not get to assume how your client manages resources. Maybe they want a memory pool, maybe stuff is ref counted, maybe there’s a tracing gc somewhere, maybe they prefer a large, up-front allocation, or have some other, exotic allocator. If your target group is application writers, some assumptions on their behalf is often welcome.

Memory is still necessary for a lot of functions to operate. In segyio, only one function (publically [1]) allocates, the segy_open function. All other functions assume memory is allocated and meet expectations, and are managed externally. One common criticism of C and its standard library is its unsafety, which is very real, and requiring callers to manage all memory does nothing to help safety.

This places a larger burden on developers, but in return gives a lot of flexibility. In segyio’s Python extension, all memory is allocated by creating empty Numpy array in Python, so even in the Python-C layer no allocation is done. Numpy ensures all memory is properly registered with the Python runtime. In fact, the extension code does not know at all that it is Numpy that provides the memory - all it sees is a buffer object, and the Python code is free to replace Numpy with something else. This has proven to scale very well for segyio, where resource allocation has been rewritten at least three times (invisibly to the user).

For a motivating example, consider the following Python program, which prints the mean value of every individual trace:

for trace in f.trace[:]:

This allocates one, 1, buffer under the hood, and reuses that, since it knows it’s in an iterable context, and that no modifications of the trace variable will carry on to the next iteration. I measured this by running it ten million times on a simple file, and found that re-using the buffer doubled the speed of the program.

This would not have been possible if the core did not work with caller-provided buffers.

Since memory is now assumed to always be there, and correct, the tedious manual memory management of C goes away, which does make a lot of code a lot simpler, at the cost of documenting expectations and requirements.


This section discussed the drawbacks of visible allocations. A core library should not return freshly allocated memory from functions with the expectation that callers release it later. It demonstrates why libraries for libraries should always assume its memory is externally managed, and functions that need dynamic memory should take it by argument.

Briefly, assuming memory is allocated, managed, and correct, ensures that:

  • The library is simple to implement
  • Few assumptions about end usage
  • Provides users with flexibility to make the right choice for the target environment

How to interact with users is drastically different in Python, C++, Common Lisp, and Julia, and the core library should reflect that.

[1]segy_readsubtr and segy_writesubtr will allocate and free upon when reading non-contiguous ranges, unless the rangebuf parameter is specified, in which case it will assume it is large enough, and use that.